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Stauff & Gross, PLLC Legal Blog

Emotional preparedness for adoption

Embarking on the path of adoption is a heartfelt decision filled with hope, compassion and the desire to provide a loving home for a child. It is also a journey that requires a lot of financial, mental and, most importantly, emotional preparation. Emotional...

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What is a no-fault divorce?

Many divorces result from marital misconduct, such as cheating, abuse, or abandonment. But not every marriage ends this way. In many states, like North Carolina, couples can choose to file for a no-fault divorce, where neither spouse has to prove that the other person...

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A single parent’s guide to adoption

It’s commonly believed that only married couples are allowed to adopt. However, even if you are a single parent, you can qualify to adopt as long as you provide a safe and comfortable space for the child. Adoption is a big step for any hopeful parent, and it can be...

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